AHARA, The Dietary Regimens of Ayurveda
If you know which Doshas are contributing to your discomfort, you could easily decide which food you can have and what to avoid with this simple idea of taste. Ayurveda classifies the basic six different tastes based on their effects on Tridosha.

Diabetes – Reversal Or Just Relief ?
Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, stress, improper sleeping habits, etc results in the accumulation of fats over cells, and slowly cells become insulin resistant.

Are you Diabetic? Be free from Diabetes through Ayurveda
This blog is part of a three-part series on Diabetic and Ayurveda. Here we throw some light on understanding the disease, how modern treatment works, does to your body, and how, with Ayurveda, you could completely cure the disease.

Kalyani, The beautiful woman.
Women undergo lots of physical and mental changes in their life like puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause, and so on. In all these stages, she needs certain care, nourishment, and support. But in our new lifestyle, we ignore those aspects. It affects her health- the mother.

Exercise Tips for Managing PCOD
When we say exercise, it is not only physical but mental too. Here, we will help you get started with a few exercise patterns that benefit people suffering from PCOD.

An Ordinary Man with an Extraordinary Effort!
Let's Meet Mr. K G Ramesh, who is sitting in the tree shades at ‘Lakshmis Attall’, a forest that hosts more than 1500 species of medicinal plants which he and his family raised in the land adjoining their home.

Old is Gold – Swarnaprashan
In a 5000 years old Classical Ayurvedic text there is a preparation of medication that has GOLD as the main ingredient and administered to newborn up to 16 years old kids. It is called Swarnaprashan. Swarna means GOLD & Prashan means consume.

A Journey from Cervical Spondylosis to Vata Vyadhi
There are very effective remedies for Cervical Spondylosis in Ayurveda. Moreover, proper Ayurvedic treatment can help you avoid surgery and related risks.

Covid prevention kit for Children and Adults
If you are ready to be healthy, without getting admitted to hospitals, Without paying so much money for your health, without poisoning your body, We are here for you.

Feeling Feverish?
In Ayurveda, we are not fighting against fever, but we are aiding the body to fight. Here we are discussing about how to treat fever at home. Follow the below guidelines and you will be safe. Try to get in touch with a practitioner if your health is in a very bad condition or you're anxious.